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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Three Dimensional Rendering of the Sanctuary of the Constantinian Basilica of St. Peter's

From our Friends over at New Liturgical Movement via Traditio Liturgica.

A reader points out that the author of the Italian blog Traditio Liturgica has created a computerized, three-dimensional recreation of the ordering of the sanctuary of the Constantinian basilica of St. Peter's in Rome.

For cross-reference, here is an image of this sanctuary as painted by Raphael in his Donation of Constantine:

One will note the hanging lamps and candlesticks on top of the balustrade. For more on this see our December 2009 article on Standards, Funalia or Candelabra Magna

I commented in an earlier post about the Standards, Funalia and Candelabra Magna.  However, this is a great  rendition of a very rare sight indeed.  I don't think that this is intended to do any more than convey the spirit of the former St. Peter's, but it does seem to match up pretty closely...If you've got google translate or some other reputable translator, the webisite is in Italian.  But I can tell you, the stuff on the site is worth
 a parousal.

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