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Monday, February 11, 2013

Pope Benedict XVI

I think that before we get all bent out of shape we should take a look at a couple of factors...but, before I make my listings, we should pray for His Holiness that his mind is clear and his mind is free.  At this point, I pray to the Holy Spirit:  Veni Sancte Spiritus, tui amoris ignem accende in pontificem.

1.  The Holy Father said of his predecessor that if his health were to deteriorate any further he should resign.  He said that in '02.

2.  The Holy Father's health has been bad for a long time.  He has had bone breaks, strokes, etc...

3.  It is clear that he didn't ever want to be pope.  While this means very little, because he accepted the role, it does speak to his mindset.

4.  He has worked his entire pontificate to centralize the curia and to bolster the number of Italian cardinals, it would seem that he is trying to bring the pontificate back to an Italian, but this again, means very little.

5.  The Church will endure.  This isn't unprecedented, it just hasn't happened since 1415, as Marc said.  I think that it might be worth exploring Marc's post though, because I agree that there are some HUGE theological consequences in the offing.

My speculation is will be a moderate Italian.  I don't see a flaming liberal and I don't see a traddy.  I see the status quo being continued and I see it being a man probably who will reign somewhere in the area of 10 years.  I don't think the college wants a long pontificate, and I don't think that an aged man will suffice either.  This will be via media....

As for St. Malachy....don't buy it, not even for a second.

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