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Monday, January 10, 2011

A Wonderful Idea....from over at Fr. Z's Blog....

Henry Edwards writes:

Why not First Vespers of Sunday on Saturday afternoon/evening instead of the anticipated Sunday Masses that have (I think) turned out to detract from the Sunday observation of the Day of the Lord? Think how First Vespers, along with priests hearing confessions, would prepare for Sunday Mass.

This was in response to a statement that Fr. Z made....

Pastors should give emphasis to such public celebrations, particularly the First Vespers of Sundays and solemnities.

I think that Henry is on to something.  Perhaps this could become a viable option to having an anticipated Mass.  There is something inherently incorrect about celebrating Holy Mass for a Sunday of Holy Day of Obligation the day seems like it is a concession for society, rather than society conforming to the life of the Church.

I think that since the Liturgy of the Hours is part of the Official Liturgical acion of the Church.  It is amazing that with all the libby dibby actions, that this has fallen through the cracks.  As it is, praying the Liturgy of the Hours can be done in a very orthodox manner because they have not been corrupted by the libby's....

Finally, I would love to see it tried and see what would happen if we followed Henry's advice.  I wonder if parish life would be enhanced?  One thing it would do is take pressure off of the pastors of parishes.  They could celebrate Solemn Vespers with laymen as ministers and really make a very beautiful service out of it...I know that St. Agnes does this for 2nd Vespers....

It really wouldn't be that hard to put together....definitely doable....groundswell....


  1. I used to celebrate Vespers on Saturday morning in the adoration chapel at St. Cecilia in Ames. We had a very dedicated group of faithful, orthodox Catholics. It was awesome! Pax Christi!

  2. To have, say, a parish deacon presiding at First Vespers on a Saturday evening, even preaching a homily focused on the Sacrament of Reconciliation while the parish priest (or priests) hear confessions would be a wonderful thing.
